KPI Data Collection and Reporting

Revolutionize children's services with Rapid KPI data collection. Streamlining across Local Authorities and care providers, it ensures standardized reporting, minimizes duplication, and enhances efficiency, transforming the landscape for optimal care.

Rapid Information Systems/Our solutions/KPI Data Collection and Reporting

All Local Authorities have a duty to ensure high standards of care for young people living in accommodation supplied by the private and voluntary sectors. However, the picture across the UK is one of fragmentation and inefficiency which contributes to spiraling costs, with 91%* of local authorities exceeding their budget for children’s services.

Fragmentation also makes it exceedingly difficult for LAs and providers to come together to develop a shared understanding of quality and how to monitor and uphold standards most effectively.

The Rapid KPI data collection tool helps to create efficiencies for Local Authorities and for Care Providers leading to a more cohesive way of working focusing on the following:

Standardisation for providers

Providers will only be required to complete one standard template return across multiple Local Authorities, which will ensure consistency in the quality of data collected. The KPI Data Product ensures high return rates across a wide range of Care Providers in various markets (IFA, Residential and 16+).

Consistency of reporting across a wider placement area

The data output will be more consistent due to the structured method data is collected through the KPI Data Product. As a Loal Authority your data is modelled for reporting and insight is gained through any prefered visulsation tool.

Reduction in duplication and manual inputting of data

Providers will not have to complete quality data return forms across multiple Local Authorities. The data is collected once per quarter per form leading to a more efficient approach to data input and this should be monitored and reviewed by your teams within your Local Authority.

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