New version of Rapid: v2.4.3
There is a lot in Rapid 2.4.3. We’ve updated the user interface with new flat look. And added tons of the new features like a real code editor for CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. With autocomplete. Here’s the full list: * Mobile action navigate now works with simple data
Rapid Information Systems/Software/New version of Rapid: v2.4.3
There is a lot in Rapid 2.4.3. We’ve updated the user interface with new flat look. And added tons of the new features like a real code editor for CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. With autocomplete.
Here’s the full list:
- Mobile action navigate now works with simple data and from desktop.
- DataFactory avoids checking parameters for MS SQL non exec; these queries would error when they shouldn’t with “The multi-part identifier could not be bound”.
- Update to Rapid action getVersions to use proxy rapidRequest with app.
- Update to getApps to send destination apps in proxy rapidRequest.
- Turned off DataFactory string to date conversion.
- Improvements to SQL parameter testing and population.
- Updates to designer and DataFactoryParameters that are Date will be parsed if sent String.
- Added an auto scroll feature for dialogues that overflow the screen.
- Slightly better page error message and jQuery final.
- Input controls now default maxWidth to 100 (1000 for large).
- Fix to CSS scanning with spaces.
- About tab in Rapid Admin.
- Update to Rapid Admin to horizontally size large app resources.
- Added CSRF token checking to forms.
- Added delete dialogue rebuild to all dialogues; this was to fix the synchronisation issue when re-order after deleting. Also moved all delete listeners after reorder listeners.
- Reorder can now reset and hop again, when mouse remains down.
- Property with control type now applies to other pages.
- Fix for HTML link not getting refreshed when selecting page.
- Major enhancements to navigate action; included URL navigation and new tab options.
- Fix for delete database action query outputs.
- Improvement to Reorder.js for composite reorder element listeners.
- Minor documentation improvement to downloadCSV action.
- New Download CSV action for the Rapid platform.
- Can now also accept actual page names in the URL.
- Pretty URLs can now be internally forwarded.
- Various design improvements on database-webservice actions.
- Bug fix for reorder and delete; previously the reorder retained a snapshot of each item index, these went stale if items were deleted and corrupted the collection on reorder. Indexes are now dynamic.
- Added makeObjectFromData; used by AddressPicker to turn data objects back into JSON for it torepopulate on a datacopy.
- Map control now accepts an icon field so that an pin icon can be specified.
- Fix for database action with only property outputs.
- If import is selected and a file containing a bracket is chosen then remove it and everything following. Also removes all whitespace from remaining name.
- Slide panel burger resizes to fit container.
- Added Rapid update tool into Rapid core.
- Slide panel now uses the font-awesome bars instead of image.
- Rapid Designer allows resave if save fails.
- Fixed styling of security tab to include margin to the left of user panel instead of the right of the roles panel.
- Update to RapidSecurityAdapter won’t lock user if null.
- If data is null then set data to be = “”.
- Add null pointer check when attempting to lock a user.
- Added a overflow scroll feature on database query inputs when too tall.
- Various improvements on the columns in dialogue tables; fixed the column widths and provided a min-width for the dialogue tables.
- Corrected minor typo.
- Improved styling for DataStore table when hovered. Also, modified the display behaviour of the table, such that it only gets hidden when the mouse is clicked anywhere outside the table.
- Fix for the bug “CodeEditor window hides when clicking on scrollbar”.
- Rapid Mobile is not given public user.
- Following feedback, added hint boxes and set default opening state to be Applications tab.
- Bug fix, where getDataStore selected row has no field.
- Fixed a bug, causing input field of Webservice action not getting saved.
- Fixed a bug, causing input field of database action not getting saved.
- Reduce userName to lower case before performing checks to ensure someone doesn’t try to game the system by mixing case.
- Also added account locking to app specific create user.
- Fix for single datacopy to property with change events.
- Added account locking functionality.
- toWriter was getting stuck in a loop where there was no closing CSS comment. Added extra test for this and now assumed everything after the opening comment is commented out.
- Added extra check that database table exists when deciding if the monitor is alive.
- Change dropdown style to remove rounded corners from Mac OS X.
- When creating a new RapidReuqest from an HttpServletRequest then copy the action name.
- Retains EncryptionProvider and uses this to attempt to decrypt a parameter in call to getSecureInitParameter.
- If monitoring not set up then output brief debug message on startup.
- Merged monitor code.
- Trim on email host.
- Back to start on form is summary request and no details.
- Rapid will not start if encryption provider is not created correctly
- Various enhancements.
- Added slideUp effects to dialogues.
- Added input number column to webservice action dialogue.
- Provided a fixed width for the number column.
- Some other minor fixes.
- Included a number-counter column for inputs in the database action.
- Minor slide effect features for codeEditor.
- Minor bug fix for the codeEditor.
- Garbage file.
- Some extra functions for autocompleting XML tags.
- Minor changes for the implementation of the codeEditor for the Designer.
- Major update to properties.js. Included professional codeEditor features.
- Added nationality form integration mapping for party.
- Removed debug logging in SOA data reader.
- Fix for webservice add button jump.
- Replaced the textarea with a code editor in the Resources tab section.
- Added checks for codeEditor control for saving resources.
- Update to SOA JavaWebservice to support inflating complex POJOs.
- Minor modification to adapt for the codeEditor control.
- New Code editor control for Rapid.
- Replaced textarea with the Rapid codeEditor control.
- Minor change to adapt for the codeEditor value.
- A new professional text editor control for Rapid.
- Added a maximum allowed file size property.
- Small update to tab size in Rapid Admin.
- Page save notification now has red background.
- Update to Rapid Admin parameters and resources Parameters have description. Both will horizontally size value textareaaccording to contents.
- Map control now sets bounds on all new markers and limits zoom in.
- Gallery image click property on setData.
- Flat style servlet messages like page not found.
- Merge branch ‘master’ of ssh://
- Implemented gallery image on click “do nothing”.
- Restore designer td max-width.
- Removed max 50px from td in properties.css.
- Seperate getFormSubmitButtonHtml method in FormAdapter.
- Use control name in questions report if label is null.
- Designer questions report will print integration even if no summary question.
- Fix for page names and titles with apostrophes in page variables.
- Rapid Admin dialogue validation fixes for app import and new workflow.
- Fix for responsive checkbox groups.
- Added new getSummaryPageLinkHtml method to formAdapter.
- Disabled RapidSuper role.
- Applied more styling to Rapid Admin, and included new Font Awesome icons.
- Fix for grid fixed header multi-select and sorting.
- Further improvements to Rapid Admin and dialogues styling and validation.
- Improved theme.xsd annotations / documentation.
- Added more detailed address attributes to form integration.
- Changed the encoding of all the control.xml files to UTF-8.
- Changed the encoding of all the action.xml to UTF-8.
- Minor styling improvement.
- Further styling for displays smaller than 1280px.
- Fix for Rapid Admin screen view on displays less than 1280 pixels wide.
- Styling for Rapid Admin screen view on displays less than 1280px wide.
- Update to properties.js for advanced form integration.
- Control scrollTo now includes html and body.
- Update to gallery setDate split is null protected.
- Fix for hideDialogues.
- Fix for control hideDialogue.
- Update to control action for hiding dialogues Due to jquery depreciation of selector property.
- Fix to navigate and dialogue to redirect to login if not authenticated.
- Grid selected row and number now checks grid id.
- Fix to flow layout to retain style classes.
- More documentation in process.xsd. If duration element is omitted process runs all day. If days element is omitted process runs all week.
- Log in again button now links to login.jsp.
- Fix for controls moving out of position when selected.
- Fix for SQL input when a multi-row input option is selected but not used.
- Fix for autoheight on responsive input control.
- jQuery update fixes.
- Update to scripts_min .gitignore to retain new jQuery.
- Updates jQuery from 1.10.2 to 3.3.1.
- Merged changes in from major forms and SOA updates.
- Better line breaks in reports.
- Date formatter null safety.
- Update to datastore get selected row.
- Fix for multi row import data, one set of fields.
- Small fix to RapidFilter if user agent string not present.
- Update to gallery and grid control to avoid .size() for new jQuery lib.
- File mime types can now have multiple file signatures. It is now possible to have multiple file signatures for the same mime type in the web.xml.
- Fix for grid header filter to return true so multiselect onclick fires.
- Line break cleaning on JavaWebservice.
- Merge branch ‘master’ of ssh://
- Null check for form header footer.
- Fix for email action jsonDetails.
- Improvement to email action error handler.
- Update to datacopy append for simple controls.
- Fix for grid selected row field null.
- Update to utils.JSON to use just object for getArray.
- Update to utils.JSON to get array from XML, and attributes.
- Added a feature that checks for signature controls and deals with them.
- Fix for grid control selected row with datastorage null handling.
- Added an email attachment feature. Users can now attach files to their email.
- If no result set is returned then don’t try to read it.
- Small fixes for email action and style class delete.
- Update to SOA webservices for null version.
- Added event help html.
- Minor styling and height measuring improvements.
- Minor change to page saving message. Fix to action and control hints in.
- Duplicate id warning, Rapid dialogue enter key support.
- Start of attachments for email action.
- Small change to controls.js for conflict check.
- New save panel animation.
- Rapid theme tab padding fix.
- Small change to logging themes in Context listener.
- Changed theme.xml files to UTF-8.
- Minor style changes.
- Big fix for datastore backed grid with no data.
- User is sent to index if 403 in designer for getApps or getVersions.
- Form value check should not fail nulls if they are allowed.
- Corrected a typo.
- Minor cosmetic update to properties, validation, and forms.
- Minor style changes.
- Minor style changes.
- Finished swipe.
- Updated demo apps to white background.
- Login.jsp caching issue resolved.
- Copyright date change.
- Swipe working for single listener.
- Swipe only on page for now.
- Start of touch swipe support on mobile action.
- Update to grid control to not check selected row when null.
- Update to form adapter. Added theme header and footer to summary start and end.
- New get summary control value method.
- Upped max roll-over log retention from 7 to 100.
- Put Database action result set meta back back in result set loop.
- Improved logging in
- Database action now treats Decimal as double.
- Improvement to Database action Moved result set get meta data outside of row loop.
- Fixed help text in Rapid Admin for actions and controls.
- Update to process getTodayTimeDate to deal with seconds and non-secs.
- Logging for process now in it’s own class for better control.
- Fix for adding actions and control in Rapid Admin and to Process.
- Form adapter now adds theme header and footer to form summary.
- Refined check for more result sets within getFirstResultSet.
- Improved favicon.ico.
- Better favicon.ico.
- Update to grid for multi select get selected rows Datastore and grid with page storage turn off canbeusedfromotherpages.
- Start of grid multiselect selected rows with datastorage.
- Grid page datastore now object not string.
- Fix for saving grid data with page datastore.
- Fix for grid with page datastore.